FAQs about humanitarian assignments
If you are interested in the opportunity to collaborate on international humanitarian assignments, read the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

FAQ International Assignments
Before applying
Do you only hire doctors, or can other professions also go on an assignment?
A significant number of our internationally mobile staff have healthcare education (doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, psychiatrists), but other non-healthcare professions can also find opportunities on projects.
Please take a look at the list of healthcare and non-healthcare professions applicable to our projects.
We also have a list of professions we are not seeking to hire to go on assignment with MSF.
Do you collaborate with doctors of all specialties?
No, not all specialties are applicable in providing healthcare on assignment with MSF. We collaborate with experts in the following specialties: general medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery, anesthesiology, gynecology-obstetrics, as well as psychology and psychiatry. Conversely, we do not hire neurologists, urologists, dentists, dermatologists, ear, nose and throat specialists or ophthalmologists to work in our projects.
Do you hire paramedics?
As medical personnel, only those who have completed medical or nursing education, have at least two years of practice, and meet the general requirements can work in our projects. Paramedics without this education are not authorized to perform medical duties in most countries where MSF operates, including in emergency relief conditions. The medical personnel working on international assignments provide not only first aid but also highly specialized medical assistance to people in need.
Do you accept students or interns for assignments?
We do not offer internships or study placements for international humanitarian assignments, primarily due to insufficient professional experience. Professional experience is one of the essential requirements for participation. This requirement ensures both a sufficient level of expertise and a certain maturity and experience in challenging work environments, which are necessary for successful involvement in a project and for supervising locally hired staff. In the case of healthcare professions, legal requirements in the areas where MSF operates also necessitate that only qualified healthcare professionals with the appropriate education and credentials provide medical assistance.
Is there an age limit for working with MSF?
No, there is no age limit for working with MSF. The minimum age requirement is determined by the educational and professional experience criteria. There is no upper age limit. Everyone must undergo a medical examination before departure to verify their medical fitness for participating in a humanitarian project.
Which nationalities can apply for the recruitment process through the Czech office of MSF?
The Czech office of MSF is responsible for recruiting internationally mobile staff residing in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. All interested individuals who have been living in these two countries long-term can apply.
If you have been living outside the Czech Republic or Slovakia for an extended period, we recommend considering applying through your nearest MSF branch.
What are the requirements for going on an assignment?
All applicants must meet the general requirements as well as the specific requirements for each position.
What languages do I need to know in order to go on an assignment?
The working language in projects is English, so advanced knowledge of it is essential. Currently, many of our projects are located in French-speaking countries in Africa, increasing the importance of knowing French. For positions such as general practitioners, nurses, logisticians, HR specialists, or financial specialists, those who do not speak French may face a waiting period for project selection that exceeds six months. Therefore, the recruitment of internationally mobile staff for these positions without knowledge of French is often limited. Knowledge of other world languages, such as Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, or Arabic, is also an advantage.
Is experience living abroad an advantage?
Yes, and it doesn’t have to be work experience specifically. Any extended stay abroad, especially in countries or regions where MSF frequently provides assistance (such as Africa, Asia, and South America), is a significant advantage.
Do I need to complete a tropical medicine course before going on an assignment?
Completing a tropical medicine course is strongly recommended for internationally mobile staff in the following professions: general practitioner, general nurse, and laboratory manager. However, participation in the tropical medicine course is not a requirement prior to applying for the recruitment process. MSF does not cover the costs of attending this course. For more information about tropical medicine courses, please visit the website of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Can I apply if I've spent the last few years working in a different profession than the one I want for the assignment?
The length of time away from one's profession should not exceed two years, unless there was previous extensive experience in that field. Each case will be assessed individually.
Do hospitals grant staff leave when going on an assignment with MSF?
It always depends on the situation and the possibilities of the specific hospital. To support healthcare professionals who want to go on assignment with MSF, we have agreements with certain healthcare facilities and institutions. While these agreements do not guarantee leave, they can help our internationally mobile staff negotiate the conditions for their release for assignments. These are the hospitals with which we currently have agreements:
Recruitment process
How is the recruitment process conducted?
To participate in the recruitment process, candidates must attend an Information Evening and meet the general requirements. After attending, they will receive instructions on how to submit an electronic application, which includes providing various documents such as a resume, cover letter, copies of diplomas, and others.
A representative from the Czech MSF office then contacts applicants to discuss opportunities and the next steps. We carefully assess candidates’ expertise and experience in relation to the needs of our projects. Candidates applying for technical (logisticians), administrative (finance and HR specialists), and communications roles are required to take a knowledge-based test in their field, while other professions are evaluated based on the submitted documents alone. After passing the test, candidates are invited to an interview at an assessment centre, where their suitability for the assignment is further examined. Successful candidates then join the pool of internationally mobile staff and are matched with and offered available positions on our international assignments.
How long is the recruitment process, and how far in advance should I apply before going on an assignment?
The recruitment process takes several weeks, usually no longer than three months. Departure for an assignment after acceptance can take a few weeks to months, depending on specific project needs and other factors. We generally recommend applying six months before your intended departure date.
Assignment selection
How is the assignment I’ll be sent on selected?
Assignments are offered primarily according to the needs of the projects. After joining the team of internationally mobile staff, we will work to find a suitable project for you based on your availability and professional qualifications. Internationally mobile staff cannot choose specific regions or countries for their assignment. However, participation in a project is voluntary, so you may specify locations you prefer not to go or decline an offered assignment.
Can I choose the country for my assignment?
We prioritize flexible candidates who are willing to work in areas where their presence is needed, in accordance with the MSF Charter. Internationally mobile staff cannot choose their assignments; they are offered based on the humanitarian needs in crisis areas and their professional qualifications and other prerequisites. However, you can identify areas you cannot travel to for personal or other reasons, and we take this into account when planning assignments.
Can I decline an assignment?
Yes, you can decline any offered assignment for serious personal or other reasons. However, we expect a certain level of flexibility and willingness from internationally mobile staff to work in most countries and regions where MSF operates. This is essential for fulfilling the MSF Charter and providing effective and timely assistance to people in need.
Do I need to resign from my current job before going on an assignment?
The release from your current job depends on the agreement with your current employer. After joining the team of internationally mobile staff, you do not become a permanent employee of MSF; you are in employment only during individual assignments. Healthcare personnel from certain hospitals may benefit from established cooperation agreements that can facilitate assignments with MSF. Please check which hospitals we currently have agreements with:
Will I receive any training before going on an assignment?
Before departing for your first assignment, you will undergo several days of theoretical training that will prepare you for the realities of the projects, instruct you on safety, stress management, the responsibilities of individual members of the team, collaboration in a multicultural environment, and more. Prior to each assignment, you will receive information related to the country and project you are going to and you will participate in a series of preparatory meetings (both online and in-person).
Will I have any support in preparing for my departure on an assignment?
The Czech office will assist you with preparations for your departure in collaboration with the operational centre through which you will be sent to the project. After your assignment is confirmed, you will receive detailed information and support for everything that needs to be arranged for your assignment (visa, medical examination, etc.).
What vaccinations do I need to have?
The required vaccinations vary depending on the region of the international assignment. You will be able to discuss vaccinations during your medical examination as part of the pre-departure preparations.
To which countries do people often travel from the Czech Republic and Slovakia?
The needs of the projects continuously change based on the humanitarian situation. It is not possible to predict in advance which project you will be sent to.
For example, in 2023, our internationally mobile staff most frequently participated in assignments in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (three times), and there were two assignments each to Afghanistan, Chad, Mozambique, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, and Ukraine.
On assignment
How long will I be on assignment?
The duration of your assignment can vary significantly, ranging from a few weeks to six to 12 months and is primarily dependent on the type of profession you will represent on assignment. It may also depend on the context in which the project takes place (shorter assignments in crisis situations, longer assignments in long-term projects and relatively stable environments).
What are the living and working conditions on assignment?
Living and working conditions vary significantly across different countries and projects. MSF aims to provide conditions for its internationally mobile staff that support their work performance while aligning with local living and working standards.
You may experience situations without running water or electricity, live in modest accommodations (such as huts or tukuls), and share space with others. Communication facilities might be limited, and for safety reasons, there could be restrictions on your movement outside home and work sites. The socioeconomic conditions you encounter may differ greatly from what you are used to. Adapting to living in environments where security forces may be present is often necessary. During the early stages of a project or in challenging situations, living and working conditions may be basic and require flexibility.
Will I have access to the internet, email, and phone during my assignment?
Communication options vary from project to project. Internet access is almost always available in the capital cities of assignments, but it is not always guaranteed in remote project locations. The same applies to mobile phone signal coverage. During the assignment, communication is always facilitated through radio connection.
Will I receive a salary for my work on assignment?
You will receive a salary for your participation in the assignment, which serves as compensation to cover the costs and financial obligations you leave behind at home (such as rent, loan repayments, etc.). This compensation is approximately 2,000 EUR per month. Everyone on assignment also receives local allowances (per diem), which serve as pocket money for purchasing food and other personal necessities. MSF covers the expenses associated with the assignment, including travel costs, visas (and document translations if necessary), vaccinations, accommodation, and health insurance (including repatriation).
Will I have an employment contract?
Yes. Czech and Slovak internationally mobile staff are always employed under a fixed-term contract with the so-called International Contracting Office (ICO) based in Geneva. The terms of the employment contract will therefore be governed by Swiss labor law.
Will I be health insured? What if I get sick or injured during the assignment?
We provide special travel insurance for all our internationally mobile staff. This package includes coverage for all medical care, repatriation, disability, and death. The insurance is valid for the entire duration of the assignment, including a grace period (usually two to three months after the end of the assignment). In addition, a doctor responsible for the health of all internationally mobile staff is available at each project.
Will there be any costs associated with the assignment?
From the moment you are accepted into the team of internationally mobile staff at MSF (after the assessment centre), the expenses associated with your departure and stay on assignment are covered by MSF: travel costs, visas (including document translations if necessary), vaccinations, accommodation, and health insurance (including repatriation).
How does MSF ensure my safety during assignments?
At MSF, we are protected primarily by the principles of neutrality, impartiality and independence, as well as by thorough security measures specifically formulated for each project. Security measures typically regulate the movement of internationally mobile staff between home and work sites, as well as their movement in the surrounding area during their free time. The security situation at each project is continuously monitored by the project coordinator, who also adjusts these measures as needed. MSF facilities are never protected by armed security services; however, we always employ daytime or nighttime guards.
Is psychological support available during and after an assignment?
Yes. Internationally mobile MSF staff may find themselves in situations that can have a significant psychological impact. For this reason, you will have the opportunity to stay in contact with a psychologist or psychotherapist during and after your assignment.
Can I leave an assignment early?
You depart for an international assignment voluntarily, so it is possible to leave the assignment early for serious personal or other reasons.
Am I entitled to vacation during my assignment?
Yes, during your assignment, you will be entitled to a few days of vacation for every three months of service.
Can I go on an assignment with my partner or family?
Yes, but the options are very limited, and each request is handled individually. It is not possible to go on your first assignment with family or a partner. Even for subsequent assignments, there are many obstacles that significantly limit or prevent family assignments. These obstacles can include security conditions, the difficulty of finding employment for a partner, limited accommodation capacities, and the lack of available spaces in educational structures for children, among others.
After returning from the assignment
What collaboration or communication takes place with MSF after the assignment or between assignments?
We are in contact with our international mobile staff not only before and during their assignments but also continuously, creating space for staying connected. A career manager is responsible for career growth, guiding and motivating staff towards further career opportunities.
Within the MSF Czech office, we offer language courses and, when possible, other training. We organize regular in-person events and also provide many opportunities for online gatherings, where international mobile staff can share experiences from their assignments. If there is interest, we facilitate and support MSF staff sharing their work and what they saw during their assignments through public appearances and media communications, to raise awareness in the Czech and Slovak public.
What are the opportunities for career growth with MSF?
Within the organization, we support career growth. Internationally mobile staff typically begin their first assignments in projects where they work in lower organizational positions. After gaining the necessary experience, they can move into the coordination team, which is based in the capital and oversees all projects in the country. A designated career manager is responsible for guiding and motivating internationally mobile staff toward further career opportunities. We also have a broad employee base in operational centres and other offices where job opportunities are available.