How to apply to work on assignment with MSF

Anyone who wants to work abroad with MSF must undergo a rigorous selection process to assess their professional expertise and readiness for the challenges of the work.

Paula Costa Tavares, pharmacist

The requirement for collaboration with MSF on international humanitarian assignments is meeting the specific requirements for the relevant positions and successfully passing the selection process. This process will assess both your language and technical skills, as well as the soft skills needed to successfully handle the tasks and conditions of the assignment, in the context of the current needs of our projects. The goal is to select colleagues who can fulfill their responsibilities and feel comfortable in the project.

The entire recruitment process is conducted in English.

Application procedure

1. Attend an Information Evening

During the Information Evening, you will receive all the necessary information about MSF and the opportunities to collaborate on international humanitarian assignments. The event takes place either online or in person at the Czech office. Participation in the Information Evening is a mandatory part of the recruitment process. However, it is an informational session that does not commit you to anything. We will also appreciate the opportunity for you to get to know us better.

2. Register in our application system

After attending the Information Evening, you will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to complete the online application. In the application, you will provide all the necessary information and attach the required documents.

3. Call from our HR representative and technical validation

Within four weeks, an HR representative will contact you to review your application and agree on the next steps. Your profile will then be submitted for a so-called technical validation, which will verify whether your experience matches the current needs of our projects.

4. Specialized knowledge test

For some positions (especially non-medical ones), it is necessary to complete a test of professional knowledge and skills. This test is designed, for example, for HR managers, financial managers, and technical or logistics specialists.

5. Job interview and assessment centre

The next step is an interview and attending an assessment center, where your soft skills will be evaluated, such as flexibility, communication and managerial abilities, and other key competencies essential for successfully completing tasks on the assignment.

6. Welcome to the team

After successfully completing all the previous steps, we will welcome you as one of our internationally mobile staff members. Our colleagues from the Vienna office will reach out to you and help find a suitable project where you can apply your knowledge and experience.

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