MSF cars

Join us on a humanitarian assignment

We are looking for medical, administrative and technical professionals to join our humanitarian and medical projects abroad. Every year, around 30 colleagues from the Czech Republic and Slovakia embark on assignment with MSF. Together with nearly 70,000 locally hired colleagues, they provide medical and humanitarian assistance to people who would otherwise have limited access to healthcare, clean drinking water, or shelter.

We are looking for medical, administrative and technical professionals to join our humanitarian and medical projects abroad. Every year, around 30 colleagues from the Czech Republic and Slovakia embark on assignment with MSF. Together with nearly 70,000 locally hired colleagues, they provide medical and humanitarian assistance to people who would otherwise have limited access to healthcare, clean drinking water, or shelter.

MSF intervention in Lodi

Who we need

We are looking for both medical and non-medical staff. Join us and help people facing crises around the globe.

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MSF staff in Idomeni

What we offer

Working with MSF offers a range of benefits, many of which are intangible. It is a challenging and unique personal and professional experience, providing you with the opportunity to work with colleagues from many countries and with communities who need support. 

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Camp life: MSF


When you go on assignment with MSF, you must be prepared for living conditions that may differ from what you are accustomed to.

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10 nejlepších fotografií roku 2019

Safety and security

When you go on assignment with MSF, you may find yourself in an insecure and unstable environment. Working in some areas inherently involves a certain level of risk.

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Rotation 3 - Rescue 2

General requirements

Working on assignment with MSF is not for everyone. In addition to professional experience, there are other requirements that apply to all roles.

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Am Timan Hospital

Professions we do not hire

Not all medical and non-medical professionals are needed for our humanitarian projects.

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Paula Costa Tavares, pharmacist

How to apply

The aim of the recruitment process is to select colleagues who can fulfil their responsibilities and feel comfortable on assignment.

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Osvětové setkání proti tuberkulóze, Středoafrická republika, 2023. Foto: Julien Dewarichet / Lékaři bez hranic

Info Evenings

Attend Information Evening to learn how MSF operates and under what conditions you can work in a humanitarian project. We will share important and necessary information, so you have realistic expectations before expressing interest in going on assignment.

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Emergency medical aid activity in Lesvos, Greece


If you are considering going on assignment with MSF, check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions, which may provide the information you are looking for.

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Join us!

Working for MSF is both rewarding and demanding. Assignments last for several months, during which you will need to live in conditions with limited resources and deal with difficult situations.

I've never met so many extraordinary, smart, dedicated and hardworking people who share the same values. MSF is not just an employer, it's an international community, a family.
Alžběta Truparová, MSF HR Coordinator

Alzbeta Truparová

I've never met so many extraordinary, smart, dedicated and hardworking people who share the same values. MSF is not just an employer, it's an international community, a family.
Alžběta Truparová, MSF HR Coordinator