Anesthesiologists, Anesthetists

MSF anethesiologists cooperate closely with the surgical staff in the operating room, emergency and recovery rooms, and the intensive care unit. They often work under difficult conditions with limited resources including diagnostic tools and operating room equipment.

Anesteziolog Daniel Hujo


Preoperative evaluation and resuscitation (evaluating surgical risks along with the surgeons, providing information to the patient, choosing a suitable form of anesthesia).

  • Working in the operating room and the post-anesthesia care unit.
  • Post-operative care including volume therapy, life sign monitoring, respiratory system care and post-operative analgesia.
  • Supporting emergency and ICU with safeguarding airways and ventilation, sedating the patient and pain treatment.
  • Supervision and training of local staff, periodic training and supervision of the resuscitation team.
  • Implementation and oversight of MSF guidelines and protocols.
  • Managing and ordering anesthetics and medicines in collaboration with the pharmacist.
  • Collecting and statistically analyzing data, writing regular project reports.

You will likely be on call 24/7 while on assignment as a key advisor in case of complications.


  • Specialization diploma (completed specialty) in anesthesia and critical care medicine.
  • Experience with spinal anesthesia, regional anesthesia, pediatric anesthesia, obstetric anesthesia and trauma anesthesia.
  • Diverse clinical experience and ability to work independently and improvise.
  • Ability to work with limited material and resources (e.g. imaging and laboratory diagnostics).
  • Strong knowledge of English.
  • Ability to work on assignment for a minimum of 8-12 weeks.
  • General requirements for all professions also apply.


  • Experience in the following areas: pain management, palliative care, burn care, reconstructive surgery, disaster medicine.
  • Subspecialty or direct experience working in the ICU.
  • Training in ALS, PBLS, ATLS.
Simona Šmelková, Jižní Súdán, 2021.

Simona Šmelková

Anesthesiologists, Anesthetists

Simona Šmelková is an anesthesiologist who is going on missions with us in 2021. She was on four missions in total.

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