
MSF surgeons bring their expertise and professionalism to countries where people lack access to critical medical care. They work with the medical team in the emergency, intensive care units and operating rooms. The work will often take place in very challenging conditions and with limited resources.

Chirurg Jan Trachta


  • Organization and performance of surgical programs and procedures. 
  • Pre-operative and post-operative surgical care (antibiotic prophylaxis, post-operative pain control, thromboprophylaxis, blood transfusions, etc.).
  • Supporting emergency and the ICU.
  • Clinical supervision, training and ongoing education of locally hired staff.
  • Implementation of MSF medical guidelines.
  • Ordering and monitoring consumption of medicines and medical supplies in collaboration with the pharmacist.
  • Data collection and statistical analysis, writing regular project reports.

You will likely be on call 24/7 while on assignment as a key advisor in case of complications.

Most surgical procedures in MSF projects are performed by general surgeons, trauma surgeons and gynecologists-obstetricians. However, other surgical specialists are also needed in some MSF projects, especially orthopedists and plastic or pediatric surgeons.


  • Specialization diploma (completed specialization) in general surgery, pediatric surgery, orthopedics, traumatology or plastic surgery.
  • Ability to handle a wide range of medical problems (elective and emergency, obstetrics and gynecology, basic orthopedics, burns, polytrauma).
  •  Ability to work with limited material and equipment (e.g. minimal imaging or limited laboratory diagnostics).
  • Experience with caesarean section (the ability to perform it independently if necessary).
  • Strong knowledge of English.
  • Ability to go on first assignment ideally for at least 10 to 12 weeks.
  • For traumatologists and plastic surgeons, a shorter period of 6-8 weeks is possible.
  • General requirements for all professions also apply.


  • For some specializations or in some MSF projects, two years of professional experience is required even after completion of medical specialty.
  • Previous experience in trauma or war surgery.
  • Completion of courses in humanitarian surgery in difficult conditions such as those offered by the UK's Royal College of Surgeons or the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium.
  • Knowledge of tropical medicine or infectious diseases.
  • Training in ALS, PBLS, ATLS.
Tomáš Šebek. Foto: Lékaři bez hranic

Tomáš Šebek

Chirurgové & chirurgyně

Tomáš Šebek je všeobecný chirurg. Na první misi s Lékaři bez hranic odjel v roce 2010. Od té doby absolvoval dalších pět misí. Je autorem několika knih.

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