Logisticians (technical professions)

MSF logisticians ensure "everything runs as it should." They provide technical and organizational support to our medical programs. They plan, coordinate and monitor all logistical activities and provide support for medical care activities. MSF needs versatile technicians just as much as we need highly skilled electrical or water and sanitation specialists.

Logisik Zdeněk Muller, Irák, 2016


  • Planning and coordinating all logistics-related activities in the project.
  • Managing infrastructure: minor construction or renovation work, maintenance of occupied offices and accommodation for internationally mobile staff.
  • Carrying out minor water, sanitation and hygiene activities.
  • Managing supply chains: inventory management, local or international purchasing, receiving and storing materials, transporting goods and personnel.
  • Managing logistics materials: purchase, installation and maintenance of equipment (IT, radio communication, vehicles and engines, generators, etc.).
  • Implementing administrative activities related to logistics (orders, insurance, vehicle contracts).
  • Selecting, supervising and training the logistics team: guards, drivers, technicians, mechanics, etc.
  • Implementing and monitoring technical aspects and procedures to reduce risk within the project (transport, communication, evacuation plan).


  • Completed education in a technical field – diploma or degree (preferably engineering) from a technical university.
  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in a technical field (after graduation).
  • Practical skills and experience in at least 2 of the following areas: mechanics, energy and electricity, purchasing and supply chain management (including cold chain), construction, water and sanitation, IT troubleshooting, radio and communications equipment, warehousing and inventory management.
  • IT skills (Excel, Word, PowerPoint).
  • Strong knowledge of English.
  • Ability to work on assignment for at least 6 to 12 months.
  • General requirements for all professions also apply.


  • Experience in management – financial, human resources, project or events.
  • Previous experience in other nongovernmental organizations or work experience in lower-income countries.
Zdeněk Müller, s počítačem na stavbě, Pásmo Gazy. Foto: Lékaři bez hranic

Zdeněk Müller

Logistici & logističky (technické profese)

Zdeněk Müller je stavební inženýr a pro Lékaře bez hranic pracoval jako logistik. Poprvé vyjel na svoji misi v roce 2015, celkově byl s námi v zahraničí 8x.

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