Operating Room Nurses

MSF operating room nurses often work in challenging conditions and with limited resources. The majority of surgery is acute surgery, often in settings of armed conflict or disasters.

Kenema Hospital - Intensive care


  • Ensuring smooth running of surgical activities (pre-operative, operative and post-operative care).
  • Preparing the operating room.
  • Admitting patients to the operating room and preparing them for surgery.
  • Providing instrumentation during surgery.
  • Transferring patients to the recovery room and supervising all post-operative activities.
  • Ensuring continuous adherence to hygiene, sterilization, asepsis and disinfection protocols.
  • Training and supervising local team members, auxiliary nurses and cleaners.
  • Collecting data, analyzing statistics, writing regular project reports.


  • Valid operating room nurse certification (diploma or university degree).
  • At least 2 years experience as a registered nurse (after graduation).
  • Experience in team management.
  • Strong knowledge of English and French (or other language: Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian).
  • Ability to work on assignment for at least 3 to 6 months.
  • General requirements for all professions also apply.


  • Experience in general surgery, trauma, orthopedic or obstetric procedures.
Miroslava Musilová na misi v Iráku, 2021. Foto: Lékaři bez hranic

Miroslava Musilová

Sálové sestry

Miroslava Musilová je zdravotní sestra, která se k Lékařům bez hranic připojila v roce 2021. Celkově byla na dvou misích.

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