
In addition to direct clinical midwifery work with patients, MSF midwives’ work focuses mainly on team leadership and creating a respectful work environment. Respect for different cultural realities is a crucial part of this role.

Porodní asistentka Lucie Brádová


  • Organizing midwifery services for outpatients and sometimes inpatients.
  • Supervising and training team of locally hired midwives.
  • Collaborating closely with traditional birth attendants and assistants, sharing education on hygiene standards, providing them with the necessary resources and knowledge.
  • Planning and managing medical supplies in collaboration with the medical team.
  • Collecting data and analyzing statistics, writing regular project reports.


  • Completed education in midwifery (diploma or university degree).
  • Minimum 2 years unsupervised experience in the delivery room (since graduation).
  • Direct experience in management of obstetric emergencies (e.g. eclampsia, non-progressive labour, heavy bleeding and sepsis).
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Experience with leading people.
  • Strong knowledge of English.
  • Ability to work on assignment for at least 6-12 months.
  • General requirements for all professions also apply.


  • Knowledge of tropical medicine, public health or infectious disease care.
  • Clinical work experience in resource-limited settings.
  • Direct experience in any of the following: family planning counselling, care for survivors of sexual violence, treatment of patients with HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
Lucie Brázdová

Lucie Brázdová

Porodní asistenti & asistentky

Lucie Brázdová je diplomovaná porodní asistentka. S Lékaři bez hranic pravidelně spolupracuje od roku 2012, kdy poprvé vyjela na misi do uprchlického tábora v Jižním Súdánu. Od té doby s námi byla již na 14 misích.

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