General Nurses

The role of nurses in MSF is primarily managerial. It can range from leading a team, actively supporting nursing staff in their work, to managing a department or clinic. In most projects, family members and local nurses take over the primary care of patients.

Jurigová Martina, 2018, Sýrie


  • Conducting regular team meetings, creating a respectful work environment, fostering interdisciplinary and interprofessional collaboration.
  • Preparing monthly duty schedules.
  • Evaluating training needs and organizing relevant training sessions.
  • Overseeing the implementation of new standards and protocols in line with the project objective.
  • Building and maintaining a network of community health workers and paramedics.
  • Supporting the HR team in recruiting, evaluating and developing team members.
  • Planning and managing medical supply needs.
  • Collecting and statistically analyzing data, writing regular project reports.


  • Valid qualification to work as a general nurse (diploma or university degree according to the professional qualification to practice the profession).
  • Minimum 2 years experience as a general nurse (after graduation).
  • Experience managing a team.
  • Strong knowledge of English and French (or other language: Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian).
  • Ability to work on assignment for a period of at least 6 to 12 months.
  • General requirements for all professions also apply.


  • Tropical medicine course (in some regions, knowledge of tropical medicine, public health or infectious diseases is essential).
  • Relevant work experience in one of the above areas or work experience in resource-limited settings.
  • Direct experience in any of the following: critical care, emergency medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics, infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, active outreach programs.
Martina Jurigová a chlapec s balóny, Sýrie, 2018. Foto: Lékaři bez hranic

Martina Jurigová

Všeobecné sestry

Martina Jurigová je zdravotní sestra. S Lékaři bez hranic spolupracuje od roku 2015. Má za sebou celkem pět misí.

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Jitka Kosíková, Irák, 2017. Foto: Lékaři bez hranic

Jitka Kosíková

Všeobecné sestry

Jitka Kosíková je dětská zdravotní sestra. S Lékaři bez hranic spolupracuje od roku 2011, kdy absolvovala první misi v Afghánistánu. Od té doby byla na dalších sedmi misích.

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