Gynecologists, Obstetricians

Providing reproductive health and maternity care is a core part of many MSF projects, whether ongoing or in response to an emergency. MSF obstetrician gynecologists support care for survivors of sexual violence, family planning, and prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV.

Gynekoložka vyšetřuje pacientku, Kyrgyzstán, 2020


  • Performing work related to reproductive health, including: prenatal visits, screenings, assisted deliveries, vaccinations for mothers and children.
  • Performing emergency and elective obstetric gynecological surgeries.
  • Treating obstetric complications (e.g. instrumental delivery, hysterectomy, uterine rupture, hemorrhage, etc.).
  • Providing follow-up post-operative care in collaboration with an anesthesiologist and midwife.
  • Providing outpatient gynecological consultations.
  • Addressing care focused on termination of pregnancy, gender-based violence, female genital mutilation.
  • Supervising and training locally hired staff, offering training and specialized support for surgical staff and midwives in diagnostic and clinical skills including ultrasound.
  • Doing data recording and statistical analysis.

You will likely be on call 24/7 while on assignment as a key advisor for obstetric complications.


  • Specialization diploma (completed specialization) in gynecology and obstetrics.
  • 2 years of all-round professional experience and practice, including obstetric surgery
    Knowledge of ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Ability to work in very simple conditions with limited technical possibilities (i.e. with insufficient diagnostic equipment).
  • Very good intercultural communication skills.
  • Strong knowledge of English.
  • Ability to work on assignment for a period of at least 8 to 12 weeks.
  • General requirements for all professions also apply.


  • On some projects, two years of professional experience is required after completion of the specialty.
  • Training on advanced life support in obstetrics (ALSO).
  • Experience in emergency care, neonatal care, pediatrics, orthopedics, oncology and palliative care.
  • Experience with sexually transmitted diseases, infectious diseases, gender-based violence, family planning, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
  • Knowledge of tropical medicine.
  • Direct work experience in resource-limited settings.
Ondřej Šimetka v podcastovém studiu Lékařů bez hranic, 2022. Foto: Zdeněk Chaloupka

Ondřej Šimetka

Gynekologové & gynekoložky

Gynekolog a porodník Ondřej Šimetka vyjel s Lékaři bez hranic celkem na šest misí. Poprvé s námi vycestoval už v roce 1999.

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