Other professions
Depending on the current needs of healthcare projects colleagues from other professions may also find opportunities to contribute in assignments with MSF.
Depending on the current needs of healthcare projects colleagues from other professions may also find opportunities to contribute in assignments with MSF.
Other professions
On healthcare and humanitarian projects, colleagues from professions other than those listed may also find opportunities to collaborate with MSF. It depends on the current needs of individual projects, so the possibilities for cooperation are more limited than for the specified profiles. Typically, these could be positions in physiotherapy or communications and PR.
If you have a profession that you didn’t find listed in the specified positions, and at the same time are not included in the list of positions we don't hire, but would still like to get involved in the projects of Médecins Sans Frontières, please send us your CV by email to
hr-cz@prague.msf.org. We would be happy to share the current situation and needs on our assignments and discuss the next steps together.
Zúčastněte se informačního večera, kde se dozvíte, jak Lékaři bez hranic fungují a za jakých podmínek můžete vyjet na misi i vy. Zaměstnanci kanceláře i kolegové, co působí na našich misích, se s vámi podělí o důležité informace a zkušenosti.